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Writer's pictureNadine Heir

Why the wrong words are OK in the right community

The famous writer’s block looms. Posting online frequently can be invigorating, but it can also drain our mental resources.

Excessive editing rounds kill creativity, and sometimes you should simply hit send, with your raw and unedited thoughts. I began talking to an emerging expert on the topic of spontaneous writing, Chiamaka Joyce Nzeako, Content Creator and Writer, who shares my interest in training this skill in ourselves.

What is a spontaneous writer?

Nzeako sees spontaneous writing as both a free and intuitive form of writing. Sometimes, a very lightly proofread version is what should be shared with the world.

In my opinion, a spontaneous writer must be well-informed beforehand, there’s no time to research. To apply the intuition that Nzeako cites, we need to have a base of knowledge to draw on, and shape into great content.

Why is this a desirable way to write?

The skill of spontaneous content creation helps with email writing and verbal communications. It can assuage nerves during speaking engagements.

Nzeako says: “Whenever I find myself writing now, words just keep flowing like streams one after the other. I communicate information more effectively and quickly. I noticed this with a few sentences. I give away truckloads of value through spontaneous writing!” She has found new ways to inspire herself, moreover. “Writing intuitively has actually made me appreciate the wonder of nature. Considering the minor details and happenings in my surroundings, I've started to see things from a different angle. I understand why people react the way they do. I draw on their experiences to be more relatable. Many people connect with my content as a result.

I've evolved into a creative problem solver. Whenever I see a problem, I immediately see a solution. My writing and personal life approaches have shifted dramatically.”

What could be better? Now you know why it’s great to write spontaneously, let’s ask Nzeako how to get really good at it.

How are we working on this skill?

Nzeako is working on her skill by writing every day, beginning with one LinkedIn post and continuing into the evening. Specifically, she writes and posts to LinkedIn directly, just as I do.

I also belong to a community group filled with writers where we share our drafts and seek to improve our skills through tasks and assignments. It is a regular routine of mine each day to pick up my notepad and write for at least 30 minutes. I have become intentional about writing quality and engaging content.”

I also post most days on LinkedIn, Twitter, and TikTok (but as my cats for the latter!) to promote different format adaptations.

Another way I love to practise spontaneous writing is by sending internal emails that entertain, as well as inform. If I can make my colleagues laugh while I’m asking them for a favour, that’s a job well done!

I’m also working closely with company leadership to learn other communication styles. This feeds my inspiration and my eye for proofreading.

How can practised writers become more spontaneous?

I would suggest starting in safe settings like with family or friend text groups, then branching out to internal emails. A community like that of LinkedIn will likely boost your confidence and offer valuable advice, so both Nzeako and I suggest contributing there as regularly as you can to create quality content!

Nzeako reads a lot which has grown her intuitive ability and capacity. “My vocabulary has also increased massively. Good writers are great readers. In order words, if you want to write better, read.”

“As simple as it might sound,” Nzeako continues, “just write. You do not know what the outcome will be or how people will perceive it.” It is not always best to question ourselves mid-flow, but rather write down the questions, and let that serve as practice too. “Practice is what makes one better, not thoughts nor doubts,” she says.

Take a page out of Nzeako’s book:

  • Include writing into your daily schedule and routine. She calls it the "creative moment" when she focuses on pouring out her thoughts into words.

  • Work through your phone recorder to voice out your thoughts. It saves you time especially if you cannot type or write at a particular moment.

  • Create a content bank from which to draw on for posts at any time. Writer’s block will never strike if you take spontaneous writing to your notebook!

Why spontaneous writing is important

Spontaneity is a form of creativity that’s free, genuine, and therefore charismatic. This is true for all forms of spontaneity but spontaneous writing specifically builds your confidence. By sharing candidly across larger channels, it can help you overcome fear of sharing, and ease anxiety of social interactions.

Beyond the personal gains, there are professional reasons to be more spontaneous: To build your personal brand authentically. It is easier to embody something every day if it simply is who you are. Self-censoring removes all authenticity and simply builds a curated version of you that you will struggle to live up to long-term.

Nzeako thinks the importance of spontaneity in writing cannot be overemphasised. “Writing is seen as therapy in medical circles. Over time, as you pour out yourself in words. You empty yourself of everything that bothers you.“

It is also a mental exercise, which helps to clear your mind making your brain sharper and smarter. So, are you ready to follow in Nzeako, my, and many others’ footsteps to become a spontaneous writer?

Start writing today.


2 bình luận

22 thg 10, 2022

Good morning- thank you and Nzeako for this great article.

I write every day but I also work every day so in-depth editing is just not in my schedule. Though that’s not to say I should not edit! It’s just great to read about powerful spontaneity!

Now I had better get back to writing!


Nadine Heir
Nadine Heir
23 thg 10, 2022
Phản hồi lại

I love to read this! Sometimes one is best for different moment but don't be afraid of typing and hitting publish immediately! You've got this Cecilia 👍🏼

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